The minimum investigations required to establish an accurate
diagnosis are:
* Plain X-ray abdomen to detect
- Air under the diaphragm (perforation)
- Air fluid levels (intestinal obstruction)
- Gallbladder or urinary stones
- Evidence of fluid in peritoneal cavity
* Blood examination
- Raised total leucocytes
- Raised ESR
- Electrolytes examination
* Urine examination for R.B.C. and pus cells in case of renal
origin of pain
* Peritoneal tap in doubtful cases.
CT Scanning and ultrasound scan provide information on changes
related to the diseased organ causing the acute abdomen syndrome
and also the changes related to peritonitis and the sequlae of
abdominal abcess and its location (parateolic, pelvic,
subdiaphragmatic). Fig. 21.4
Colour Doppler ultrasonography can give accurate information on
the state of the blood vessals of the abdomen, aneurysms,
thrombism arterio-venous fistulas can be detected.
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