Monday, June 5, 2017

Renal Transplantation 2

Causes of end stage renal failure include:
* Glomerulonephritis
* Chronic pyelonephritis
* Diabetes mellitus
* Obstructive Uropathies
* Polycystic disease
In   the  end  stage  of  kidney  failure,  dialysis  (haemo   or
peritoneal)  has  the potential of maintaining life  and  provide
alternate  therapy for these patients. Patients on dialysis  have
anaemia, hypertension, lower vitality and increased dependence on
hospital    facilities.   Transplantation   under   ideal    home
circumstances provides a cost effective alternative ensuring near
normal productive quality of life and life span.

There are two sources of kidney
a) Cadaver
b) Live related donor

1.2.1 Cadaver
The kidney from this source becomes available in cases of  trauma
or   other   irreversible  disorders  like   brain   tumour   and
cerbrovascular accidents. All these conditions can lead to  brain
death  an  essential pre-requisite for kidney  availability  from
this source.
Brain death is diagnosed-
*  When there is no spontaneous respiratory movement with  normal
*  In absence of gag and corneal reflex
*  There are bilateral fixed pupils

1.2.2 Related Doner
Identical twin or blood relation can be considered as donors.
*  They are investigated to eliminate any intercurrent disorder
*  Today careful screening of donor for hepatitis B and AIDS  are
   required to reduce risk and costs
*  Also blood grouping and HLA typing, Renal Arteriogram and  IVP
   are indicated. Unrelated donors may also be considered

*  All donors after investigations must give informed consent

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