Tuesday, April 17, 2012


The precise aetiology of human cancers is yet to be explained.
There is evidence that there are four distinct groups of factors
that have been studied and are related to the development of
neoplasia. And they are:
1. Genetic factors
2. Viruses
3. Immunologic factors
4. Chemicals and therapeutic agents
Most positive examples of the action of this factor in the
caustion of malignancy is the appearance of the same type of
cancer, in identical twins.
- This factor, also plays a part in the appearance of cancer
colon in patients with familial polyposis.
- Cancer of the breast is about three times commoner in daughters
of women with breast cancer.
- Neurofibromatosis (Von Recklinghausen 's disease), is
characterised by multiple neuro-fibromas of the skin.
Some of them (10%) undergo malignant change.
In addition, these patients have an increased risk of
Meningiomas, Pheochomocytomas and Glioma of the brain.
In experimental animals chemical carcinogens can cause mutations and appearance
of carcinomas

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