Wednesday, August 13, 2014


The  colon  starts in the right lower abdomen and  completes  its
course  as an inverted C to end in the left lower  abdomen.   The
further  course is in the pelvis (pelvic colon) and continues  as
the rectum and anal canal.

The  cecum, colon rectum and pronimal anal canal  receive  their
arterial supply from branches of superior and inferior mesenteric
arteries, both are branches of the aorta (fig 19.1)  anastomosis
between  the  branches  from  a  continuous  marginal  artery  of
drummond the distribution of lymph glands is shown in fig 19.2.


This  is the first part of the large intestines and Ileum end  in
it.   There  is an ileacecal muscular valve to  prevent  flow  of
local contents into the ileim.  The diameter of the cecum is  7-9
cms.   The appendix is placed at the medial posterior  aspect  of
the cecum.

Motility of the colon is aimed at providing maximum contact to the chyme (500-1500 per day) to the absorptive colon mucosa the final residue of 50-100cc the proximal part of colon provides surface for absorption of water and the distal half storage of fecus the motility is segmentation and bag like haustration.

Mass movement is a modified prostates that occurs 15 minutes after morning breaking fast. These mass movements in the colon occur as a result of gastro colic and duodenal colic reflex.

Colonic irritation can also cause mass movement this is seen in case of ulcerative colitis.


It  extends upwards from the cecum to reach the under surface  of
the  liver here it bends (Hepatic flexure) to course  transversly
access the upper abdomen as the Transverse colon.


This part of the colon starts at the hepatic flexure and ends  at
the splenic flexure in the left upper abdomen.  It measures 35 to
50  cms. in length.  It is a mobile portion of the colon  and  is
immobile at the hepatic and splenic flesures.


Proceeds  downwards from the splenic flexure, measures 20-25  cms
to end in the pelvic colon.


It  is also called the sigmoid colon it is curved in the form  of
an  S and its length is variable from 10-30 cms. it ends  in  the
upper part of the rectum

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1 comment:

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