a & b
This is an uncommon cancer and the
incidence 30-60 new cases per million population per year.
In man there is convincing evidence
regarding radiation exposure as an etiologic factor. Cancer seen in the young
is usually of the differentiated variety in the old undifferentiated carcinoma
is more common.
Differentiated Carcinoma
This occurs most often in those under the
age of 40 years and accounts for more than 50% of all thyroid cancers and
presents as a small hard slow growing nodule in the thyroid, and spreads most
often to the cervical lymphnodes.
Histopathologic examination shows the
lining epithelium of the follicule arranged in papilary processes. On careful
examination many show more than one focus of carcinoma in the thyroid. The
metastasis in the lymphnodes also resemble thyroid with papillary formation
the follicule arranged in papilary processes. On careful examination many show more than one focus of carcinoma in the thyroid. The metastasis in the lymphnodes also resemble thyroid with papillary formation
This carcinoma presents with a mass in the
thyroid and occur ten years later (40-50 years). It appears as a follicular
pattern on histopathologic examination and manifests its malignant nature in
infiltrating into the blood vessels or the capsule of the tumour. Metastasis
usually occur to bones and lungs by blood stream. There are no clinical feature
to distinguish it except signsof local infiltration to structures (larynx;
recurrent laryngeal nerve; carotid sheath).
TREATMENT Fig. 31.10a, 31.10b
In cases where the diagnosis is
established by aspiration cytology or biopsy, the treatment recommended is
total thyroidectomy, this takes care of focal and multifocal origin of these
carcinomas and also helps the future management of metastasis by radio iodide.
Any questions be sent to drmmkapur@gmail.com
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